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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

"Twilight" by Stephenie Meyer

Pages: 498
Genre: Young Adult Fiction

Back Cover Synopsis: "When Isabella Swan moves to the gloomy town of Forks and meets the mysterious, alluring Edward Cullen, her life takes a thrilling and terrifying turn. With his porcelain skin, golden eyes, mesmerizing voice, and supernatural gifts, Edward is both irresistible and impenetrable. Up until now, he has managed to keep his true identity hidden, but Bella is determined to uncover his dark secret."

Review: I first heard about this book in 2007. I had just moved to a new state and started a new job. My new coworker told me that her daughter absolutely loved this book. Once she mentioned vampires, I was immediately turned off from it. Vampires? Really? No, thank you. She insisted that I "just had to read it". I politely declined. A few months later, my aunt tried to force it on me. I gave in. I was entranced from the first page. I loved learning about and getting to know the characters--all while trying to figure out the mystery that is Edward Cullen. I adore this book! I adore the entire series.

I think it is a fun read. It is more of escapist literature rather than the deeper, analytical-type, but it was very enjoyable--and I found it worthwhile.

Give it a try and let me know what you think/though about it!


  1. I hated it ... but then I'm not fond of vampires either.... my kid loves it... but I had to force myself even to get as far through it as I did.

    It seems we have somewhat similar interests :)

  2. Flit, thanks again for another comment! I'm sorry to hear you didn't enjoy it as much as I ended up liking it.

    I think we DO have similar interests! If you have a book that you would like to review, feel free! I would love to see what else you have read!
