Pages: 351
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy Fiction, Children's Literature
Back Cover Synopsis: For centuries mystical creatures of all description were gathered into a hidden refuge called Fablehaven to prevent their extinction. The sanctuary survives today as one of the last strongholds of true magic. Enchanting? Absolutely. Exciting? You bet. Safe? Well, actually, quite the opposite...
Kendra and her brother, Seth, have no idea that their grandfather is the current caretaker of Fablehaven. Inside the gated woods, ancient laws keep relative order among greedy trolls, mischievous satyrs, plotting witches, spiteful imps, and jealous fairies. However, when the rules get broken--Seth is a bit too curious and reckless for his own good--powerful forces of evil are unleashed, and Kendra and her brother face the greatest challenge of their lives. To save their family, Fablehaven, and perhaps even the world. Kendra and Seth must find the courage to do what they fear most.
Review: This is the first book of a series. So far, there are four books. The fifth is coming out in just a couple months. I must admit; I judged this book by its cover. I saw "Fablehaven" in a local book store and was immediately intrigued by the cover--I mean, who doesn't like a sparkly cover? Ok, so maybe that is just me and every 13 year old girl out there.
I requested the book for Christmas and began it immediately. I was enthralled. It was thrilling, incredibly funny and witty, inspiring, adventurous, and mysterious. I fell in love with the Kendra and Seth--the main characters. They practically jumped right off the page. This book is great for any age.
I've also had the privilege to meet
Brandon Mull several times at his book signing/book release parties in Salt Lake City, Utah. He is personable, kind, and interested in his readers. If you haven't already discovered the fun that is "
Fablehaven", pick it up. You'll be swept away as I was.
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